The job of a soccer referee is to control the soccer match, to ensure player safety, and adherence to Soccer Laws which promote fair play. This starts when they get to the field and ends when they leave the field. Therefore, what occurs before and after the game is included.

Recognize that the game perspective differs from player and referee, which can be difficult to understand. For a referee, the soccer match is seen from perspective of Law violation and unfair advantage. Therefore, the referee is no longer just watching the ball and surrounding play. As a referee, they have to survey more of the field and take into account what else is going on, besides what is occurring around the ball.

Above all else, a Referee CAN NOT CALL WHAT THEY DID NOT SEE !!!!

In the Referee role, they will;

I. Pre-Game Steps:
Talk with players about sportsmanship and what to do if an injury occurs (players stop and sit down)
Inspect the players - checking for compulsory equipment (shinguards, proper footwear, no jewelry, suitable uniform)
Talk to both coaches, introduces oneself and asks for a flag person (to assist in calling when ball rolls out of play)

II. Post-Game Steps:
Ensure players demonstrate good sportsmanship with a handshake!

In the Referee role, during the game they enforce FIFA's Laws of the Game (17).
I. Field of Play
II. Ball
III. # of Players (Substitutions)
IV. Player Equipment
V. Referee
VI. Asstant Referee
VII. Duration of Match
VIII. Start/Restart of Play
IX. Ball In/Out of Play
X. Method of Scoring
XI. Offside
XII. Fouls & Misconduct
XIII. Free Kicks
XIV. Penalty Kick
XV. Throw-in
XVI. Goal Kick
XVII. Corner Kick
Note: Youth Programs provide modifications to the Law of the Game... as permitted by FIFA.

III. Basic Rules:
A. Players/Substitutions: Law III
Only occurs during certain stoppages and with the permission of the referee;
a. That teams throw-in,
b. Any goal kick, and
c. Restarts of the game after goal scored.

1. Request made by coach at stoppage of play
2. Referee raises hand in approval
3. Player called off field of play
4. Other player enters field of play
5. Referee counts players
6. Restarts game

B. Player Equipment: Law IV
Player jerseys are to be the outer most garment. Shinguards are compulsory (required) and jewelry is not permitted to be worn.
Goalies have some different rules. The goalies jersey must be a different color from both teams. However, opposing goalies may have the same jersey.

C. Offsides: Law XI
A player is an offsides position when nearer to opponent's goal line than both the ball and the second to last opponent.
A player is not in an offsides position when in their defensive half of the field.
Note: Being is an Offsides position does not mandate a stoppage of play!
A stoppage of play (infraction) occurs when a player in a offside position, at that moment when:
a. they touch the ball, or
b. interfering with opponent, or
c. gaining an advantage from their position.

D. Fouls: Law XII
Two conditions are necessary for the judgement of a foul; the ball must be in play or the action must be on the field of play.

Major/Penal Fouls (Direct Free Kick): These are careless, reckless and excessive in form.
Additional 4:
7.Tackles and makes contact with player before ball
9.Spitting at
10.Deliberately handles the ball
Note on handballs: If the ball strikes a players arm accidentally and provides no advantage to that player's team, then no stoppage of play. Referee should state "Play on - Unintentional - No Advantage" when this occurs.
Penal fouls result in a direct free kick at the point of infraction. Exceptions to this being within the Penalty Area, which is then a penalty kick.

Technical Fouls (Indirect Free Kick):
1.Plays in dangerous manner
2.Impedes Opponents Progress (obstruction, not holding)
3.Prevents Goalie from Releasing Ball

Goalie Specific Technical Fouls within Penalty Area (Indirect Free Kick):
1.Holds ball for more than 6 seconds (typically not called provided the goalie is not wasting time)
2.Touches ball with hands after teammate deliberately kick it to him or throw-in (note: a head ball is ok)
3.Touches ball with hands a second time before another player has contact

Cautionable Offenses (Yellow Card):
1.Persistent infringement of the Laws of the Game
2.Unsportsmanlike behavior
3.Dissent by word or action
4.Failure to respect distance at restarts (Free Kicks, Corner kick)
5.Enters or re-enters field of play without referee consent
6.Leaves field of play without referee consent

Send-Off Offenses (Red Card):
1.Serious foul play
2.Violent conduct
3.Spitting at anyone
4.Stops an obvious goal or goal scoring opportunity with hands
5.Stops an obvious goal scoring opportunity that results in a Free Kick or Penalty Kick
6.Offensive language or gesture
7.Receiving a 2nd Cautionable Offense (Yellow Card)

E. Free Kicks: Law XIII
Opponent players to be at least 10 yards radius away from ball

Indirect Free Kick:
Referee Signal - Arm Vertical with Palm Open
Goal may be scored after a 2nd player contacts the ball

Direct Free Kick:
Referee Signal - Arm Horizontal with Palm Open
Goal may be scored directly, only against opponent (if so, it becomes a corner kick)

F. Penalty Kick: Law XIV
Awarded when a defender commits 1 of the 10 major/penal fouls inside their defending penalty area and while the ball is in play.

G. Throw-ins: Law XV
Awarded to team that was not the last team to have contact with the ball prior to leaving the field of play across the sideline.
How: With both feet down, facing the field of play, using both hands equally, the player delivers the ball from behind and over the head.
An illegal throw-in results in a throw-in opportunity for the opposing team
A minor/technical foul is called (Indirect Free Kick) if the player performing the throw-in touches the ball before another player.

H. Goal Kick: Law XVI
Awarded to defending team when the attacking team had last contact with the ball prior to leaving the field of play across their defensive goal line and no goal was scored. The ball is kicked from anywhere within the goal area. The ball is in play upon leaving the penalty area and if touched prior to this point, the kick is retaken. The kicker may not kick the ball a 2nd time until another player has touched it and if this occurs after leaving the penalty area, the opposing team is awarded an Indirect Free Kick from that point.

I. Corner Kick: Law XVII
Awarded to attacking team when the defending team had last contact with the ball prior to leaving the field of play across their defensive goal line and no goal was scored. The ball is kicked from anywhere within the corner arc area. The corner flag may not be removed. The ball is in play upon the kick and the kicker may not kick the ball a 2nd time until another player has touched it. If this occurs, the opposing team is awarded an Indirect Free Kick from that point.